Same Day, Different Timeslot
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Peak and Off-Peak hours on the same day
1) Create two new timeslots for recurrences and sessions (for this guide) - see Image A.
Every Friday @ 9.00 am (for off-peak hours)
Every Friday @ 5.00 pm (for peak hours)
2) The calendar in the UPlay website package is updated with the dates and timeslots (Image B).
3) Update rates for the sessions - choose Friday dates for 9.00 am timeslots (in this example, 16 Feb). Select the date with a specific timeslot, the date's row color updated to blue, and proceed to create a new rate at the 'Rates' tab
Only session 9.00 am on 16 Feb is updated with Off Peak rate (Image C)
Other sessions are not updated with the Off-Peak rate (Image D)
4) Update rates for the sessions - choose Friday dates for 5.00 pm timeslots (in this example, 16 Feb). Select the date with a specific timeslot, the date's row color updated to blue, and proceed to create a new rate at the 'Rates' tab
Only session 5.00 pm on 16 Feb is updated with Off Peak rate (Image E)
Other sessions are not updated with the Off-Peak rate (Image F)
5) Visit the UPlay website package and check the calendar for the 16 Feb 2024 date. For this date, the calendar displays different prices depending on the selected timeslots as per the setup done in the Sessions - Rates tab (Image G)
6) If tickets for all age categories (e.g., Teenagers and Young Adults) are offered on the same day, then the rates for these categories must be updated accordingly. For instance, if there are two timeslots (e.g. 9:00 am and 5:00 pm), one is the off-peak rate, and the other is a peak rate, then proceed to update the rates for both age categories - Image H & II
7) Visit the UPlay website package and check the updated calendar for the 16 Feb 2024 date. For this date, the calendar displays different prices depending on the selected timeslots as per the setup done in the Sessions - Rates tab (Image J & K)
Created: 13 Feb 2024