Refunds can occur for UPlay transactions, depending on policies. Refunds can be made either in partial amount, full amount or multiple partial refunds as long as the total refund amount does not exceed invoice amount.
Refund requests
Refund requests could originate from customers, followed investigation from UPlay customer service until business units' approval, on a case-by-case basis. This process is done offline (outside of Avalon).
Refund destination
Refunds can only be sent back to the original payment method used in a transaction. Processing a refund to a different destination such as another card or bank account is not permitted by Adyen.
Refund API integration
Refund module is not automated nor integrated between Avalon and Adyen portal, refund steps are to be done manually within Avalon and Adyen portal until further notice (wef March 2024).
Refund process
Manual refund processing requires 2-steps in Adyen portal and Avalon.
Step 1 - Processing refunds in Adyen
Ensure you have Adyen portal user account and MFA setup before proceeding.
Visit Adyen portal and login with your credentials.
Go to Transactions > Payment page. Input the particular Adyen gateway reference number as search keyword.
Click PSP Reference link and view invoice details.
At payment details page, click Refund payment button, a new window will pop up.
Refund option is available only after successful receipt and processing by Adyen.
Complete the refund form/window (highlighted in red boxes).
The refund button is greyed out by default. After checking checkbox for 'I confirm I want to refund this payment', refund button will become blue in colour.
Once refund request has been submitted, no cancellation is permitted.
Transaction status will change from 'SettleScheduled' to 'Refunded'.
Copy or note down Refund PSP reference for next step.
Step 2 - Processing refund in Avalon
Go to UPlay contents > Finance
Search for the particular invoice number and view invoice details.
Go to Payments & Refunds tab, click tools icon and Refund button, a window will pop up.
Line Total refers to ActualPrice, Disc refers to discount.
Paid refers to AppliedPrice (Amount paid by customers. Paid = Line Total - Discount)
Input refund amount against the respective item line (code), as well as other essential data (highlighted in red boxes) accordingly.
Refund amount cannot exceed invoice paid amount.
Refund amount must match field Amount (refer to red boxes).
Alert message will appear if both amounts mismatch.
Click Save button to proceed with changes or Cancel to exit without saving. Refund window will close and trigger an action to update financial transactional report (FTR) to include a row for refund against the same invoice number.
At Payments & Refunds tab, refund line has been added. You can click tools button to view contents.
Last updated