Rates Tab
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Rates are referred to a range of prices and options that customers can choose from within a package. These prices are different from the pricing tiers list (created in the Pricing Tiers tab)
The specific rates available to customers can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the type of experience selected, available discounts or special offers for select groups or events, room type, peak or off-peak days, and any additional services that may be included.
They're important because they define how much customers pay and what they get in a package.
To set up a booking rate, follow these steps.
1) Go to 'Rates' tab
2) Click on the Tools icon and select +New to create a booking rate. See image A
3) Key in details in the Booking rate Edit screen. See Image B as an example. click the "Save" button to store the record.
4) The record is updated in the Rates tab. See Image C
5) Visit the website by clicking on the Package URL to access the updated booking rates.
6) Go to the calendar and choose the available dates. Then, click on the 'Select Type' dropdown menu. In the example provided for this user guide, opt for 'Choice of Experience'. Once this is selected, the 'Select Option' dropdown menu will appear, showing the available booking rates. See Image D.
Additional Examples:
Image E - Package with a selection of booking rates - choice of experiences -> not necessarily need to have a calendar with available date
Image F - Package with a selection of booking rates - vary by age group (eg adult and child)
Created: 23 Feb 2024