Generate unique promo codes
Avalon provides the users with an option to generate a batch of unique codes as part of larger promotion programs or campaigns. Unique codes are promotional codes that can only be used once and can be allocated/assigned to individual customer.
A promo code is created as per normal, but checkbox Generate Unique Codes is checked.
Quantity of unique promo codes to be generated is based on the value defined in field Total Quantity. (Eg: Total quantity is defined as 100, 100 unique promo code will be generated).
Each unique promo code has prefix + suffix. Prefix originates from promo code title whilst suffix is 8 random characters. Eg: Promo code name = 5POFF. Unqiue-generated promo code = 5POFF22dmw4Ey.
Each unique code is meant for single use only.
The discount amount is the same as what was specified at promo code level.
All unique codes generated are displayed in Codes tab that is accessible when we click on the Promo Code ID link.
There are 2 methods to generate unique codes.
Method 1 - At time of creating base promo code
To learn more, please refer to create base promo code.
Method 2 - After base promo code has been created
Open an existing or a preferred promo code with any unique promo codes.
Click Tools icon, and open Edit screen.
At checkbox Generate unique codes?, check the checkbox against it.
Click Save button to save the changes. This will trigger Avalon to generate a list of unique promo codes following prefix + suffix format.
Refer to Codes tab, a list of unique promo codes have been generated.
You can proceed to distribute the unique promo codes to customers. Once a unique promo code has been redeemed, it will be automatically marked as 'Consumed'.
Once a unique promo code has been redeemed, it cannot be redeemed again. Attempting to redeem a consumed unique promo code will result in an "Invalid promo code" alert message at checkout page.
Last updated