Restrict promo code usage
Last updated
Last updated
Promo codes can be configured to limit usage or reserved for specific entities (associations, unions and/or partners), this means only members of these entities can apply or utilize such promo code.
Create a new promo code or open an existing promo code.
View Allowed Entities tab.
Click tools icon, and click +New.
A search screen NTUC Union selector will appear.
Input keyword into Keywords textbox to search for the entity.
Check the checkbox against each entity. Single or multiple entities can be selected.
Click OK to confirm selection.
Selected entity/entities will be displayed in the Allowed Entities tab.
If customer is a member of the specified entity, applying the promo code will trigger discount amount to be calculated and displayed.
If customer is NOT a member of the specified entity, applying the promo code result in an error message as seen in below screenshot.