2. Create and Submit Contract for Finance Approval
Last updated
Last updated
Role: Admin
Navigate to the Organisation detail page and select the Credit Request Contracts tab.
Click on the tool icon. To initiate a new contract, select the +New button.
Enter the credit request contract details in the Credit request contract Edit form.
In the Content Item Status field, choose 'Draft' to save the contract as a draft or 'Published - unlisted' to submit to the finance team for approval.
Content item status = Draft, Contract Status = Not Started
Content item status = Published - unlisted, Contract Status = Not Started
Locate the newly created credit request contract.
click on the contract ID link to go to the credit request contract detail page or
click on the contract (highlighted in blue) and scroll down to the Disbursement Cycles tab and Contract comms tab
Disbursement cycles tab - disbursement cycles will be populated here when client HR creates the disbursement cycles in the B2B portal
Contract comms tab - before saving the contract as 'Published - unlisted,' the admin must set up the email notification format in this tab. The notification will be sent to the client's employees, so it is essential to complete this step accurately.
Admin proceeds to submit the contract for finance approval by saving it with the content item status field = Published-unlisted