4. Credit Request Contract Approval
Role: Finance
The finance team receives an email about a credit request contract requiring approval.
Proceed to log into Avalon.
Two options are available to access the contracts that are pending finance approval:
Navigate to the Organisation module, search the applicable organization, click on the organization ID link, and click on the Credit Request Contracts tab.
Locate the Contract ID with a 'Published-Unlisted' status or as indicated in the email notification.
Note 1 - when finance clicks the tool icon, only 'Published-Unlisted' contracts display the 'View for Approval' button.
Note 2 - finance can filter the 'Status' column to view only 'Published-Unlisted' contracts.
Navigate to the Contracts module, select the Credit Request Contract, and search for the applicable contract. The 'Status' column can be filtered to view only 'Published-Unlisted' contracts.
Click the 'View for Approval' button. The Credit Request Contract Edit (Approval) screen opens. The following four fields are mandatory for the finance team to key in details before approving the contract:
Fin Invoice Number
Fin Invoice Date
Fin Receipt Number
Fin Receipt Date
To approve the contract, check/tick the 'Approved' statement and click the 'Save' button to complete the approval process.
The 'Finance status' is changed to 'Published,' and the 'Contract status' is updated to 'In Progress'.
An email notification will be sent to inform the client HR about a credit request contract that is available for distribution cycle creation.
Last updated