🔠Avalon Disbursement Cycles and Allocated Credits
* Examples of images are from various organizations and contracts and are not in sequence order. They are for guidance and reference purposes *
Last updated
* Examples of images are from various organizations and contracts and are not in sequence order. They are for guidance and reference purposes *
Last updated
'In Progress' Contract with Disbursement Cycles - the contract has not yet expired and still has balance credits
'In Progress' Contract without Disbursement Cycle - Client HR has not created the disbursement cycles in the B2B portal.
'Not Started' Contract with 'Published-unlisted' status - requires Finance Approval.
'Not Started' Contract with 'Published' status = Finance has approved, Disbursement cycle not yet created
Zero Balance Contract with multiple Disbursement Contracts
Disbursement Cycles with Allocated Credits (eg Utilized and Expired)