Email Notifications
Upon successful purchase customers would receive at lease two email ( or more if the package has a linked pre-purchase form)
Types of emails notifications and how they are set up:
Consolidated email - shows a non-detailed summary of the order, including total amount, discount, customer name and packages ordered. This email template is set at system level, and is not customizable for each event.
Customized Package confirmation email templates - shows a more detailed summary of the order including booking rates, participants data, ticket and add-ons info, as well as QR codes for check-in. This email is designed and configured by UPlay team . The email template for each package can be accessed within the package details in Avalon. The email template can be configured when the package is being created or when the package is modified.
Customized form submission email templates - more info on the topic can be found under Forms /Form submission confirmation email datasets article.
Users have the option to edit the subject of the email as well as the body of the order email.
More information on email template setup and the use of Datasets in those templates can be found in the article - Email template datasets (New).
Last updated