Newsletter subscription ^

Customers can subscribe to UPlay newsletter without having a LinkPass login. are defined as website users interacting with the UPlay website and registering at least some details.

They can be created in the following manner:

First-time consumers (Guest), can be created at:

Newsletter Sign-up

For these customers, we send:

  • Welcome to UPlay community (without account details)

  • Newsletter registration confirmation

II. First-time consumers (Linkpass)

They can be created at:

a. Sign-up

b. Checkout

c. Via bulk upload

For these customers, we should send:

  • Welcome to UPlay community email (with account details).

  • Customised package confirmation email if an event ticket is ordered.

III. Returning customers are defined as customers, who are interacting for the second or subsequent time via package purchase.

For these customers, we only send the customised package confirmation email.

Last updated